Allentown has a long history of manufacturing. Subsequently, many buildings and properties are nearing the end of their useful life, which can render entire properties functionally obsolete for manufacturing use. Over its existence, AEDC has rehabilitated numerous industrial properties, converting many buildings for modern manufacturing or other commercial uses.

AEDC specializes in brownfield site redevelopment. Brownfields are industrial or commercial sites that are idle or underused due to real or perceived environmental impairments. You probably see these buildings every day. In fact, AEDC is headquartered in the building  that was known as Mack Trucks Plant 4A, a prime example of one of AEDC’s early brownfield renovations.

Brownfield site redevelopment provides an ideal opportunity for rehabilitation, as most of the City’s manufacturing buildings are already surrounded by the infrastructure and utilities necessary to support manufacturing. In addition, urban manufacturing sites provide employment opportunities that are readily accessible to many of Allentown’s neighborhoods.

Our Urban Sites Program has restored economic activity to more than 91 acres of vacant or underutilized sites without adding new public roads or sprawling utility extensions. This deliberate reuse of land is both environmentally and financially sustainable.


Redevelopment of urban sites can be a challenging and lengthy process compared to developing in suburban greenfields. However, the benefits of urban site redevelopment can be significant. In addition to reusing existing infrastructure and providing workforce-accessible employment opportunities, redevelopment can also reduce regional pressure to develop greenfields. In addition, remediation and removal of blighted conditions can reduce health risks and improve aesthetics for the local community. Our projects also increase economic activity and can help improve the value of adjacent properties.